Memberships Terms

Last Updated: January 30, 2025

Founding Membership

- 🍟 Free Mighty Minis Kit at sign-up
- Unlimited facials per month
- 50% off enhancements
- 10% product & party discount
-Monthly autopay. No contracts.

30-minute facial appointments cannot be booked more than one time per day, and cannot be combined for back-to-back facial appointments. Our licensed esthetician will advise you on the recommended frequency that is best for your skin and we reserve the right to terminate your membership if the frequency of facials that you are receiving is against the strong advice of your licensed esthetician. In other words, if your skin is freaking out and you won't stop, we'll stop for you =)

Rescheduling/Canceling Appointments: No shows and late cancelations will be charged a $70.00 late cancel fee per appointment. All cancelations or reschedules must occur at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment otherwise it will count as a late cancel.

Other details: Facials begin on time so don’t be late.
Enhancement services sold separately, members receive 50% off all enhancements at checkout. Membership does not include Limited Edition facials. Memberships are non-transferable and can only be used by the member.

Pauses: One membership pause permitted per year. Membership pause duration can be anywhere from 1 - 3 months.

Canceling Membership: All cancelation requests must be made in writing in email form to your Local studio directly, and must be made with 30 days notice. If member wishes to rejoin membership after cancelation, a $100 rejoining fee will be assessed.

-Free gift at sign up is limit one time only: members are eligible for free gifts at membership sign up one-time only.

-Acknowledgement: By purchasing this membership, you are acknowledging that you have read & understand the Unlimited Membership terms.

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